Here we include three examples of how to compile and run three basic thornado applications:
A sine wave advection problem with GRHD using only thornado
A sine wave advection problem with GRHD using thornado and AMReX
A <problem> with \(\mathcal{O}\left(v\right)\) neutrino transport using only thornado
To use thornado, a user will need some dependencies:
HDF5 (from your package manager, or download the source code, or get it via github);
LAPACK (from your package manager, or download the source code, or get it via github);
BLAS (from your package manager, or download the source code) (BLAS is included in the LAPACK github repository).
Additionally, if the user wants to use AMReX, they will need to clone their github repository.
Running with AMReX
Evolve GRHD sine wave advection
Download dependencies: HDF5, LAPACK, BLAS, open-mpi (or mpich)
On Mac (assuming you are using homebrew):
$ brew install hdf5 lapack openblas open-mpi
On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev libopenmpi-dev
Clone thornado:
$ git clone https://github.com/endeve/thornado
Export environment variable:
$ export THORNADO_DIR=/path/to/thornado
Clone amrex:
$ git clone https://github.com/AMReX-Codes/amrex
Export environment variable:
$ export AMREX_DIR=/path/to/amrex
Navigate to appropriate directory:
$ cd ${THORNADO_DIR}/SandBox/AMReX/dgExperiments_Euler_Relativistic_IDEAL
Compile code:
$ make DIM=1 DEBUG=FALSE -jN
where N
is the desired number of threads (e.g., 20)
$ mpiexec -n N ./main1d.gnu.MPI.ex Advection1D_Gaussian_test.inputs > out
where N
is the desired number of MPI processes.
Example AMReX inputs file
##### Example.inputs #####
# NOTE: this is just an example; there is no application corresponding to this
# inputs file
# For all LOGICAL types, use 0 for .FALSE. and 1 for .TRUE.
# For all REAL types, use "e" and not "d"; i.e., 1.0e3 instead of 1.0d3
# Name of application you want to run
thornado.ProgramName = "Example"
# Number of DG nodes per element, per dimension
thornado.nNodes = 3
# Whether-or-not to use physical units
thornado.UsePhysicalUnits = 0
# End-time of simulation.
# If thornado.UsePhysicalUnits = 1 then the units are milliseconds
thornado.t_end = 1.0e1
# Frequency with which to write output to screen
thornado.iCycleD = 10
# Prefix for plotfile; e.g, a plotfile written on the 100th
# timestep will be called `Example.plt00000100`
thornado.PlotFileNameRoot = "Example.plt"
# Frequency with which to write plotfiles.
# dt_wrt writes every dt_wrt [time units],
# iCycleW writes every iCycleW timesteps.
# dt_wrt and iCycleW must have different signs.
# If thornado.UsePhysicalUnits = 1 then the units are milliseconds
thornado.dt_wrt = 1.0e-1
thornado.iCycleW = -1
# Prefix for checkpoint file; e.g, a checkpoint file written on the 100th
# timestep will be called `Example.chk00000100`
thornado.CheckpointFileNameRoot = "Example.chk"
# Frequency with which to write checkpoint files.
# dt_chk writes every dt_chk [time units],
# iCycleChk writes every iCycleChk timesteps.
# dt_chk and iCycleChk must have different signs.
# If thornado.UsePhysicalUnits = 1 then the units are milliseconds
thornado.dt_chk = 1.1e1
thornado.iCycleChk = -1
# Prefix for Tally file; e.g, the tally file for
# the baryonic mass will be called `Example.Tally_BaryonicMass.dat
thornado.TallyFileNameRoot_Euler = "Example.Tally"
# Boundary conditions for the fluid.
# See ${THORNADO_DIR}/Modules/Euler/Euler_BoundaryConditionsModule.F90
# to see which integers corresponds to which boundary conditions.
# These also set the boundary conditions for the geometry
thornado.bcX = 100 3 01
# Tell AMReX whether a dimension uses periodic boundary conditions.
# Only the entries corresponding to active dimensions will have any effect
geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 1 # Periodic BCs: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
# Coordinate system ( 0: CARTESIAN, 1: CYLINDRICAL, 2: SPHERICAL )
geometry.coord_sys = 2
# Lower and upper boundaries in physical space.
# If thornado.UsePhysicalUnits = 1 then the units will be dictated
# by the coordinate system
geometry.prob_lo = 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Lower domain size
geometry.prob_hi = 8000.0 3.1415926535897931 6.2831853071795862
# Number of ghost cells for the spatially-dependent fields
# (fluid and geometry)
thornado.swX = 01 01 01
# Number of spatial elements on the coarsest level
amr.n_cell = 512 16 32
# Maximum allowed size of an AMReX grid in each dimension
amr.max_grid_size_x = 8
amr.max_grid_size_y = 8
amr.max_grid_size_z = 8
# (Roughly) minimum allowed size of an AMReX grid in each dimension
amr.blocking_factor_x = 4
amr.blocking_factor_y = 4
amr.blocking_factor_z = 4
# Maximum number of refined levels (0 for no refinement)
amr.max_level = 2
# Whether-or-not to use AMR
amr.UseAMR = 1
# Apply flux corrections at refinement interfaces (Fluid)
amr.UseFluxCorrection_Euler = 1
# Criteria for tagging elements for refinement.
# See TaggingModule.f90 for meaning of values
# The number of entries should be equal to amr.max_level
amr.TagCriteria = 0.5 0.7
# Number of padding elements for refinement.
# If an element is tagged, ensure that amr.n_error_buf neighbors
# in each dimension are also tagged.
amr.n_error_buf = 0
# Refinement ratio (this MUST be 2)
amr.ref_ratio = 2
# Whether-or-not to use tiling
# (see AMReX documentation for details)
amr.UseTiling = 0
# Parameters for Euler slope limiter
SL.UseSlopeLimiter_Euler = 1
SL.BetaTVD_Euler = 1.75
SL.BetaTVB_Euler = 0.0
SL.SlopeTolerance_Euler = 1.0e-6
SL.UseCharacteristicLimiting_Euler = 1
SL.UseTroubledCellIndicator_Euler = 1
SL.LimiterThresholdParameter_Euler = 0.03
SL.UseConservativeCorrection_Euler = 1
# Parameters for Euler positivity limiter
PL.UsePositivityLimiter_Euler = 1
PL.Min_1_Euler = 1.0e-13
PL.Min_2_Euler = 1.0e-13
# Parameters for equation of state
EoS.EquationOfState = "IDEAL"
EoS.Gamma_IDEAL = 1.3333333333333333
# Parameters for time-stepping.
# All non-transport problems use SSPRK, in
# ${THORNADO_DIR}/SandBox/AMReX/Modules/TimeStepping/MF_TimeSteppingModule_SSPRK.f90
TS.nStages = 3
TS.CFL = 0.5