General Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Mathematical Model
The equations of general relativistic hydrodynamics under the xCFC approximation can be expressed as a system of hyperbolic conservation laws, representing the conservation of baryon number, momentum, and energy, all as measured by an Eulerian observer (as defined in the 3+1 decomposition).
The conserved variables are nonlinear functions of the primitive variables: the baryon mass density measured by a comoving observer, \(\rho\), the fluid three-velocity measured by an Eulerian observer, \(v^{i}\), and the internal energy density measured by a comoving observer, \(e\). Collecting the primitive variables into a column vector, \(\boldsymbol{V}\), we have
These are related to the conserved baryon mass density, \(D\), as
where \(W\) is the Lorentz factor of the fluid measured by an Eulerian observer; the momentum density, \(S_{j}\), as
where \(h\) is the specific enthalpy, defined as \(h := 1 + \left( e + p \right) / \rho\), with \(p\) the thermal pressure; and a conserved energy density, \(\tau\), defined as
We collect the conserved variables into a column vector, \(\boldsymbol{U}\),
With that, we can write the GRHD equations as
where \(\alpha\) is the lapse function, \(\psi\) is the conformal factor, and \(\sqrt{\gamma}\) is the square root of the determinant of the spatial three-metric. (TODO: define the fluxes and sources)